Our Psychometric Testing Areas

Data Checking Tests

Data checking exercises are designed to test your ability to detect discrepancies in data. You will be given a string of numbers/letters or other data and then asked to select the matching string from a list of possible answers. The possible answers will be very similar and will only vary slightly, this means that extra care must be taken to ensure the correct answer is chosen.

Our data checking testing interface is shown to the left. Take a free trial below.

Commonly named as: Data Checking, Checking, Error Checking

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Numerical Reasoning Tests

Numerical tests typically require analysis of graphs, tables and mathematical data. The data supplied will need to be interpreted in order to answer the question correctly. As with many of our tests a list of possible answers will be given and you will be required to select the appropriate answer from the list.

Take a look at what you can expect on testing day with our numerical tips.


Inductive Reasoning

These tests may require you to identify a pattern or feature which links a group of elements or may feature an input/output system. For example an 'input' shape could be given, for you to apply a set of instructions and select the correct 'output' shape from the list of possible answers.