Spatial Reasoning Test
Test ID Z0AbLiXzo9vJ
User ID Guest
Start Time 11th February 2025 18:05
Important instructions & test information
Before you start this test, please ready the following points carefully.
- This test contains 8 questions
- You should attempt to answer as many questions as you can
- This is a time pressured test - work as quickly and accurately as you can
- You have 2 ¼ minutes to answer all the questions
- The amount of time you have remaining will be displayed in the top right hand corner
- This is a trial test.
Please do not refresh, click back or close your browser. Your testing session will terminate and you will score zero!
Question 1
What is the mirror reflection of the shape displayed below?Answers
Please select one of the following answers by clicking the image.

Note: A mirror image is a reflected duplication of an object that appears identical but reversed.
Question 2
Which cube can be obtained from folding the 2D net below?
Please select one of the following answers by clicking the image.
Note: The net can only be folded along the solid black lines. There are 6 faces of equal size.
Question 3
Which cube can be made using the 4 blocks below?
Please select one of the following answers by clicking the image.

Note: You can arrange the 4 blocks in any orientation.
Question 4
Which of the possible answers represents the cube below from a different perspective.
Please select one of the following answers by clicking the image.
Note: All faces on this shape are unique, meaning no two faces may share the same pattern and colour.
Question 5
What is the mirror reflection of the shape displayed below?Answers
Please select one of the following answers by clicking the image.

Note: A mirror image is a reflected duplication of an object that appears identical but reversed.
Question 6
Which cube can be made using the 4 blocks below?
Please select one of the following answers by clicking the image.

Note: You can arrange the 4 blocks in any orientation.
Question 7
Which cube can be obtained from folding the 2D net below?
Please select one of the following answers by clicking the image.
Note: The net can only be folded along the solid black lines. There are 6 faces of equal size.
Question 8
Which shape is obtained when you place the follow pieces together?
Please select one of the following answers by clicking the image.

Note: The size of the pieces are relative to each other, not the answer.